Investment Incentives
The Government of Cabo Verde welcomes investors from EU and other industrialized nations, especially for touristic and export oriented projects.
The investor enjoys the following advantages:
- Preferential access to EU markets through the Lomé treaty;
- Preferential access to the West African Markets of the ECOWAS zone;
- Preferential access to the U.S. and the European markets due to the most favored nation status;
- Multi-lingual population;
- Low wages;
- Political stability;
- Diversified landscape with a wide range of leisure opportunities;
- Temperate climate.
The investment incentives of Cabo Verde Government include:
- Exemption from corporate tax for the first years for external investors;
- Exemption and subsequent reduction of property taxes for investments in tourism projects;
- Tax credit in the case of re-investments;
- Exemption from import duties for the import of investment goods;
- Exemption from import duties for the import of raw materials and other inputs during the investment phase;
- Possible recognition as a free zone enterprise;
- Unrestricted re-export of dividends, profits and capital.